Thursday, December 20, 2007

What it dooooooo

I thought that writing a play in general was difficult, i thought the fact you had to add so much stage directions and tone of dialouge was kind of time consuming . I thought that it was really dull too because you kind of loose interest in what your writing due to spending so much time just focusing on where the characters stand and how they are talking.

2. I woukld write it about my life and important expiriances that changed who i am. I would also talk about people that played major roles in my life.

3. I would tell him these things
1. DOn't trust just anybody people are not generally good
2. dont use number one as in excuse, just because not all people are good doesn't mean you cant be
3. keep insight so you can see for themselves
4. Dont ever let sombody tell you what you can and can't do
5. No matter what hustle you chose GO HARD

Monday, December 10, 2007


I dont think theme is nessasarry for a story to be good. I have read alot of short storys that are made for more symbolic reasons instead of straight forward meanings. In some genres of writing i think that a theme is nessasarry such as adventure novels and horror storys because sometimes those kinds of storys can be a little more confusing than others. Some storys that concentrate too much on the plot lack in other smaller things and cause them to even still be less interesting to the reader. I think that in the end it comes down to what kind of read you are looking for.

Monday, December 3, 2007


I think the main problem in the world is ignorance. All around the world people are ignorant the higher class people pay no attention to the lower class people. Alot of people think that by going to a soup kitchen once a year, putting coins in the christmas drop, giving clothes to the salvation army will cure what they call the poor "problem". But is the problem the poor or the ones who ignore them. The firm lockheed martin is the head of the welfare system, but this welfare system forces parents of kids in lower class places to leave up to 2 hours away to work in rich prodominatly white communitys, so next time you go to cinnabon, or any of those other places you go you could be buying your food from a mom unable to take care of her kids and the U.S. is to ignorant to fix it.