Thursday, December 20, 2007

What it dooooooo

I thought that writing a play in general was difficult, i thought the fact you had to add so much stage directions and tone of dialouge was kind of time consuming . I thought that it was really dull too because you kind of loose interest in what your writing due to spending so much time just focusing on where the characters stand and how they are talking.

2. I woukld write it about my life and important expiriances that changed who i am. I would also talk about people that played major roles in my life.

3. I would tell him these things
1. DOn't trust just anybody people are not generally good
2. dont use number one as in excuse, just because not all people are good doesn't mean you cant be
3. keep insight so you can see for themselves
4. Dont ever let sombody tell you what you can and can't do
5. No matter what hustle you chose GO HARD

Monday, December 10, 2007


I dont think theme is nessasarry for a story to be good. I have read alot of short storys that are made for more symbolic reasons instead of straight forward meanings. In some genres of writing i think that a theme is nessasarry such as adventure novels and horror storys because sometimes those kinds of storys can be a little more confusing than others. Some storys that concentrate too much on the plot lack in other smaller things and cause them to even still be less interesting to the reader. I think that in the end it comes down to what kind of read you are looking for.

Monday, December 3, 2007


I think the main problem in the world is ignorance. All around the world people are ignorant the higher class people pay no attention to the lower class people. Alot of people think that by going to a soup kitchen once a year, putting coins in the christmas drop, giving clothes to the salvation army will cure what they call the poor "problem". But is the problem the poor or the ones who ignore them. The firm lockheed martin is the head of the welfare system, but this welfare system forces parents of kids in lower class places to leave up to 2 hours away to work in rich prodominatly white communitys, so next time you go to cinnabon, or any of those other places you go you could be buying your food from a mom unable to take care of her kids and the U.S. is to ignorant to fix it.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


1.I beleive that happiness is the satisfaction with the events of your life. I would also add that happiness is a feeling or emotion thatcan be caused by many different things in life such as a hobbie, a board game, or just a song you hear on the radio. Another thing i would explain is that happiness is something that can be taken away from you. The last thing i would say is that life i about finding happiness.

2.I would say what makes me happiness is making music. The greatest satisfaction in my life is when i've gone to the studio and spent a solid six hours on a track then come out with a great new song. I like the feeling of accomplishment. I also find it very appealing to be able to listen to your own material.

3. I would say my parents, cousin Erik, and Aunt Sally have had the greatest influence on my happiness. My parents started me out in music at a young age and my cousin and my aunt have given all they have into getting me shows, getting me onto a lable, and just moral support in general.

4. I think my mom is somebody whose happiness or lack of have a great effect on. When i do something good it makes her very happy, but when i do something bad it usually is serious and has a large effect on her.

5. My greatest need in life to fame and money. Ever since i was a kid i'd been told to stop rapping or that i wasn't good enough to be a rap artist (which is weird because most "big time" rappers suck) andever since i was six a big part of me just wants to prove i can get there.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

End of quarter prompt

1. My favorite part of this year by far was the poetry unit. I thought that it was fun to have a whole unit on something that i do for a hobby.

2. I would say poetry is my strongest type of writing by far. I've been writing poems since i was a little kid, also im a rap artist so i incorperate poetry into my every day work. Most things i see i put into poems so you could say i get inspirations all the time.

3. I've learned that it really helps to have a period just for writing in my day. I am very self driven with my writing and i like doing it aswell which makes it fun. It doesn't take much to get me to start writing so i never felt like i had to write something it was more like a privledge.

4. Music.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I like being scared. I dont think i am easily scared but when somebody pulls it off i think its alot of fun. There are certain thyings that alone scare me such as snakes, spiders, and roller coasters but the thing about roller coastersis oncei get on i have fun the lead up to it is the bad part. I think a good definition for madness is One who has lost hold of what is right, wrong, and rational. I think one of the leading causes for driving people to madness is money. When you think about it people work for it, kill for it, die hoping they have it, and go to school hoping their education will bring it. I think anyone can go "crazy" under enough pressure of any kind.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


1.Some people read storys to gain knowledge, other read just to escape from their current situations. I guess everybody has a different reason to read books because books always mean a different thing to every individual person. This story means...well nothing for a change.

2. You are about to read one of the most bland short storys ever written. This story is about a simple man named ed who does nothing but live. Ok, maybe if your one of those people who can listen to any song and find some meaning (that the artist probably didn't mean) then maybe you will find some remote meaning to this story but i must warn you that chance is very unlikley.

3. DEATH! There now that i've got your attention you are about to read a wonderful short story about nothing. Its full of un-climactic paragraphs followed by zero jokes. You will find no exclimations in this story so enjoy your read.

4.This is a story about a man named Ed. Ed has no hobbies or commitments. Ed does not like movies long walks on the beach..or beaches for that matter. This is a story abotu the death of Ed.

5.Ed is a middle aged divorced man who lives alone in the hills of california. He works at home selling real estate and never really goes out. Ed is going to die today.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Where are you going? where have you been?

I felt like the peice was very confusing and hard for me to keep up with. On one hand the characters seemed pretty normal untill arnold friend came along, i got the impression he was a rapist and a stalker of some sort. Connies character was a typical teenage girl she seemed very easily convinced and eager to impress. i get the impression that in the end she goes against her negative feelings for him and ends up dissapearing. Arnold symbolizes the angry and cast out people of society.

1.detailed characters
2.discriptive settings
2.protagonist, antagonist

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My poem #2 19 inquirys

Would you still be down if i told you i was broke?
If I sold No records would you try to cut the ropes?
If i told you i was down would you try to bring me up?
If i couldn't be around would you still remain untouched?
If i said i had to leave would you try to make me stay?
Would you wanna kick it with me past the end of the day? and if so
Would you tell me no lie?
Would i always be a star throught your eyes?
would i be a lesser man if i cryed?
Could i tell you if i thought that you were wrong?
Could i call you on the phone to tell you what was going on?
Could you tell if your boy was feeling sad?
Do you really have to ask if your boys day was bad?
Do you like me for the person that I am?
Do you think what others can't that i can?
I think your something special no matter what.
I think your an amazing girl i dont needa act tought.
I think that if we wanted we could really make it work.
I think you are the best thing walking on the earth.

My Poem #1 Judgment

The military is my only complaint, a visionary so dont call me a saint
Missionary truths the picture i paint not religion
Cuz those animals just teach you to hate
I came from low self esteem with high expectations
The goverment comes throught we call it invasions
you call it a drug bust cuz in god you trust But
We call it racial profiling the milli's we bust
They tell us dont get high and we should try to make a living
I tell them have you ever seen a Gangster make a killing
If not then you would tell me its for justice and peace but
our peice is the chunk of metal hiding under the seat the heat
And yes im sorry for the sins i commited And just admitted but
Relive it and you'll see that you are nothing but a bigot because
This is how we living locked up inside a prison of lies and untold stories
No breakfast served in the morning so please
Listen to me Brothers and sisters
and leavers
the needers
food feeders
and lovers
widows and mothers
You gotta understand this is a war we in and if the war don't stop
The peace does not begin
Judge me now!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

My favorite poem

I first read the poem The Rose That Grew From The Concrete by Tupac Shakur when i was in sixth grade. This poem means alot to me because it is a poem i feel like ican relate to. In this poem it talks about how a rose grew out of the concrete where nothing is supposed to be able to grow. It symbolizes the struggle you face growing up when your diffrent or are raised in a place that is hard. The poem goes: "Did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete?Proving nature's law is wrong it learned to walk with out having feet Funny it seems, but keeping it's dreams, it learned to breathe fresh air Long live the rose that grew from concrete when no one else ever cared". Since the poem isso short i decided to include thewhole thing, i think the whole poem is nessasary to find the meaning in it.

Read the poem discribe what the peom means to you or what part of it is significant.

What does this poem remind you of or how can you relate to it?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Tayz blog

Hi my name is Tay. I am a fan of just about any type of writing so whatever we are doing in class i'll probably have no problem with it. My favorite style or writing is rap, some of my favorite artists are Tupac Shakur, Mos Def, Talib Kweli, and Lil Wayne. The reason these artists appeal to me is becuase they all make good point in their music but in a clever way that demands the listeners attention.

I incorperate sound to my everyday agenda
rhymes full of sugar baby this is no splenda
tailgate the boy leave you with a fender benda
buying everything now they call me big spenda
you is goin remember me
broke you down with chemistry
Im who you pretend to be
high up in the industry
i know you feel the energy
hard I can be scary girl
Soft to the touch like jerry curls
im comin up now
Prepare the world.