Tuesday, September 18, 2007

My favorite poem

I first read the poem The Rose That Grew From The Concrete by Tupac Shakur when i was in sixth grade. This poem means alot to me because it is a poem i feel like ican relate to. In this poem it talks about how a rose grew out of the concrete where nothing is supposed to be able to grow. It symbolizes the struggle you face growing up when your diffrent or are raised in a place that is hard. The poem goes: "Did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete?Proving nature's law is wrong it learned to walk with out having feet Funny it seems, but keeping it's dreams, it learned to breathe fresh air Long live the rose that grew from concrete when no one else ever cared". Since the poem isso short i decided to include thewhole thing, i think the whole poem is nessasary to find the meaning in it.

Read the poem discribe what the peom means to you or what part of it is significant.

What does this poem remind you of or how can you relate to it?

1 comment:

ujcorn said...

ooohhhhhhhh......that's so deep, but underdeveloped. But, i guess a lot of poems are deliberately underdeveloped to give a false sense of depth. I am surprised at poetic and un-rap feel of the poem. I think the metaphor is great, since it fuses the modern aspect of a rundown urban neighborhood with the classical conception of a blooming flower.